Success is Surprisingly Easy if You Keep it Simple and Persist
Are you cynical about New Year’s Resolutions? Yes, most people give up on losing weight, getting a degree, eating better, exercising, or growing sales revenue soon enough. If this is you, well you just didn’t go about it the right way.
Resolutions can be powerful if they’re practiced enough. Persistence alone is the key. It’s so simple really.
Nothing in the World can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination are omnipotent — Attributed to Calvin Coolidge (Unverified).
You’re smart enough to know what you need and make it happen, if you keep at it. And if you learn more, fine, just fit it all into a train of persistence. On the other hand, if you crowd it up with mini-resolutions, they just add confusion and disperse your energy. You need focus.
The Power of Intent
Persistent thinking every week even when you sleep ensures you’ll keep on the path to succeeding
Your 2019 New Year’s Resolution sets a process in motion. That process is simply intent. You’re creating a process of building your intent and keeping at it. It’s the process. What happens is people forget to keep them in mind and keep persisting consciously each week of the year. That’s how you keep your intent bolstered.
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Every year in January, tens of millions of Americans, Brits, Canadians, Australians make resolutions to improve their lives. But they only do it once and then give up. That’s weak intent.
People’s real problem is they don’t want things badly enough. Turn up the desire by thinking about your goals more throughout the year, and don’t let anything get in your way.
Here’s a tip: get rid of the detail, visualize the results of your top, primary goal. Go with the big picture and keep it simple.
Deep down you know what you need to do. You just need to want it bad enough. Follow your faith in yourself as a trained professional and you’ll set good goals and reach them. Eliminate the clutter.
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Sign up for FreeAs a professional in the real estate industry you need to identify and set big goals. That will force you to build all the support components to achieve them. The executive top down approach is better. By all means, keep doing this through January to June to October. It will work.
The 3 2019 Resolutions You Need
- Your first resolution is to open your mind. Yes, by expanding your imagination and awareness, you cripple your analytical mind. It’s that critical faculty that stops your progress and ends persistence. Remember, the most persistent people don’t see limitations.
- Your second resolution should be to get out of your own way. You’ve come this far which means you’re fairly good. But good may not be sufficient. Get the process going, and then let that superwoman or superman take over. Let that foolishly optimistic person open up to solutions, events, news, data, opinions, and people.
- Your third resolution is to continuously review and evaluate the options that are showing up. They could be new software and apps, new marketing techniques, new service improvements, new properties, new property types, new cities, or whatever. Review everything, including processes, tools, relationships, value propositions, and markets.
Disable Your Critical Self
Keep track of all the things you say no to. This is your critical mind that keeps you stuck and doesn’t let in those successful tools, people, and options you need. Question everything you doubt.
Before you make your resolutions, consider what successful professionals are doing to grow sales, boost revenue, reduce costs, improve online marketing, increase clientele, adopt new tools and software, and motivate their staff.
KISS – Make Simplicity Part of Your Process
Keep it simple with intent practiced weekly. Report to yourself every week about whether you’re going in the right direction and getting results. If not, don’t quit, just change tactics. The key goal is your business achieving success. It doesn’t matter how you get there, only that you do get there.
Good luck in 2023. If you believe in you and your real estate related business, please leave a comment below and tell others you know the power of persistence!
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