
Manage your Self Storage business more efficiently on ManageCasa

With ManageCasa you can manage the entire operational life-cycle of your self storage business in one single intuitive all-in-one software.

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Using ManageCasa

Features built for Self Storage Property Management

With ManageCasa’s mobile-friendly intuitive, interactive and automated all-in-one property management software, property managers can more efficiently manage and operate self storage facilities & RV parks. Stay efficient with a tool that has been developed with self storage property management needs in mind.

  • Self Storage Facilities

    Efficiently managing self storage units requires a software that keeps things organized and transparent. Reduce your workload and make strides towards a more efficient business operation.

  • Get Up and Running in No Time

    Instantly create profiles for your storage units or migrate in no time from another system. Our intuitive application will be very easy for you to begin using. No need to read a manual!

  • Market Vacant Units

    Post vacant storage units on your website and send your listings to a selective list of marketplaces to reach new renters.

  • Online Lease Management

    Create leases online and allow them to be quickly eSigned. Automate lease management using our SMART eLease Features.

  • Tenant Portal

    Give your renters online access to their tenant portal so that they can view and manage their account.

  • Online Rent Payments

    Reduce the time spent handling paper checks and credit cards, doing manual data entry and reconciling rent payments.

  • Simplify Maintenance Tasks

    Use the mobile-friendly application to take photos on the spot and create maintenance tickets, assign work orders to your tech staff, collaborate on issues and track their progress.

  • Accounting

    Run your entire accounting operation on one tool made specifically for self storage property managers and never lose access to all your financial data in real time.

  • Access Tenant Details

    Filter down to individual tenant leases, unit details and lease ledgers to get full access to all financial data at a granular level: tenant by tenant, unit by unit.

  • Share Reports

    Create and share reports instantly within the tool. Every stakeholder can access them using their own portal.

    Wanna see it in action?

    See a Demo
“ManageCasa’s intuitive self storage property management software was ready in no time. We were able to create our facility without much help, but if we needed support, the ManageCasa support team was instantly accessible from within the app using their in-app chat tool. Our team is running our self storage business in the cloud more efficiently than we ever believed possible.”
Erica Schuster Landlord

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98% des clients disent qu’il est facile de s’installer

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