How to Write a Great Rental Lease

February 01, 2024

Tips for Writing a Custom Rental Agreement A lease is often referred to only as a legal contract, rather than as a promise of fulfillment to prospective tenants. How you write the lease, what it says, how it says it, communicates a great to the tenant about their responsibilities, and about the clarity and confidence…

  • Property Management Costs & Fees

    Property Management Fees All Landlords ask this question frequently: "how much does property management cost?" It's a necessary question of course since they must purchase services and be within their property management budget. The average revenue for a property management company’s revenue is about 20% profit according to studies. On a total fee of your…

  • Apartment Lease Transfer

    November 09, 2022

    Apartment Lease Transfers With rent prices on the rise, renter employment changes (e.g. remote work situation), income changes, and apartment rental supply dwindling in 2023, we may see more lease terminations. When a tenant is in a bind and must terminate their lease, they'll begin to think creatively, such as finding out how they can…

  • How Local Contractors Can Stay Competitive Against Large Chains

    November 06, 2019

    Small Business Service Contractors At ManageCasa, we understand that it can be tough for a local residential maintenance and service contractor to compete with the large chains. Yet, it might only take some study and little ingenuity to turn the tables in your favor. It's wise to examine these company's strengths and weaknesses and find…

  • Pet Friendly Apartments

    October 24, 2019

    Renters Do Love Their Pets One estimate is that there are more 80 million homes in the US which have pets of which 87 million are dogs and 62 million are cats. Whether you like it as a property investor, landlord, or property manager, the era of pets is upon us. With such a strong…

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