Tenant Self-Service is a Big Asset
Landlords and property managers both face challenges in waiting for tenants to respond, cooperate and act to complete tasks.
This greatly affects profitability and generates a greater workload than they can afford to deliver.
For you, the effort and time needed to provide services this way is much like swimming upstream against a persistent current.
Complaints from landlords and property managers about the tasks, people and problems they encounter flow on social media every day. The fact is, the way work is being done isn’t ideal. We need to improve.
The problem of traditional work overload actually has its solution — self-service technology.
In a sense, you create your workloads by how you conduct business. Using traditional paper, spreadsheet and phones, you set your company on a path of hard work , time pressures and friction.
A solution, which ManageCasa provides, allows you to shift workloads to tenants — to let them prepare their data, initiate maintenance requrests, make rent payments, be accountable, learn what’s required as a tenant, and to communicate with your staff more efficiently.
This shift in your business model to self-service makes all the difference and you’ll be surprised how many tenants appreciate it.
The purpose of digital technology is to help you capture these vital efficiencies.
What is Self-Service? Self-service is part of a modern business model which allows users/customers to acquire the information, conduct transactions, or receive benefits they seek without real-time, manual, staff assistance.
Big Gains when Tenants Serve Themselves
Airports, grocery stores, gasoline stations, parking lots, public transportation, government, and banks have all transitioned to self-serve models. They were waiting for the technology and it’s here.
McDonalds Digital Kiosks – Photo courtesy of flickr.com/photos/southbeachcars/
The new self-service model which McDonalds Restaurants is deploying is a case in point. The new electronic kiosks customers use to order their food has reduced much of the wait time for McDonald’s counter staff. Customers take a lot of time to decide what they want to order. And the more food options McDonalds offered in their menu, the longer the counter time.
McDonald’s is no stranger to innovation. The company responded by adopting these new kiosks, which have reportedly increased sales by 6%. They’ve sped up service too as hungry customers get their food faster for a better restaurant experience — contributing to a great brand experience.
There’s one other benefit too, where the staff often have time to deliver an order directly to the customer’s table. That creates an entirely new brand experience for McDonald’s in-restaurant customers.
Automation is the Trend
This self-serve model works just as well for a property management firm. The more services you can deliver online and automate, the better. Self-service is automation. It removes the friction of adding new service improvements and experiences for your tenants.
The quest is to automate as much property management work should be one of your priorities for 2023.
Ridding yourself of the waste created by tenant unpreparedness, laziness, and confusion, frees up time.
ManageCasa Helps Tenants Serve Themselves
The reason property management software is in vogue now is partly due to the power it gives to „download work“ to tenants — from online rental applications and tenant screening, to buying renters insurance, to completing lease signing, chasing tenants for info or make rent payments, and much more.
The system provides the guidance the rental applicant or tenant needs to get things done — and they like it.
13 Key Benefits of a Self-Help Service Model
Here’s 13 key ways the self-service model will revolutionize your property management business:
- provide convenient 24/7 accessibility to services/documents
- pay rent and fees online (pay near me, online banking, credit cards)
- automate credit checks or let renters provide their own
- saves manager and tenant time — synchronizing communications for faster resolution times
- reduce repetitive questions and issues your CSR’s have to handle and provide guidance on correct actions
- helping tenants track progress of maintenance requests
- allows non-critical maintenance requests to be done online rather than via phone
- increased compliance and submission of fully and correctly completed documents
- empowers tenants to take control of their rental experience and stay leased
- build rapport with tenants and improves the tenant experience through convenience and good communications
- improve accessibility via smartphone for maximum convenience
- keeps conversations private within a secure, shared communications channel
- provides feedback via usage analytics about tenant’s interests, problems, and satisfaction
Getting tenants to inform themselves, complete easy maintenance, make their rent payments and renew their leases automatically takes away a lot of work. It also promotes cooperation. Tenant’s willingness to be informed, responsible, transact on time, and maintain their unit well is a key goal for any landlord.
While ManageCasa looks like it’s the ultimate platform for landlords and property managers, it’s the favorite of tenants too. Convenience, tenant prioritization, and improved services makes for a more successful property management business, and happy owners.
Now you can see why we were excited about launching the ManageCasa tenant portal with its amazing self-service capabilities.
Check out ManageCasa’s affordable pricing plans and know you’re helping your business in every way possible.
Getting Started: Evaluating Property Management Software | Software Ratings | Software Review | Software Recommendations | Software Criteria Overview | Software Performance Reviews | Questions about Software | Software Product Demo | Buy Software Guide | Software Pricing and Affordability | Set up ManageCasa Account | Management Tips | Accounting Software | Best Software for Landlords and Property Managers