Freedom from Spreadsheets!
Software-based spreadsheets have been the workhorse for business for decades. They used to be handy but now automation software processes data and generates better insight and fewer errors.
Honestly though, do you like spreadsheets? Do you wonder what your work would be like if you were freed from them? What if you found some software that did all the calculating and produced informative reports for owners and investors?
Busy stressed property managers and landlords need to automate and streamline and be accountable for better results. You’ll be delighted to know that better solutions are finally here. Easy to learn, make work a breeze, and give you the actionable information you need to stay competitive and improve performance.
Modern Property Management
You may have felt the pressure yourself from too much paperwork and spreadsheet masterminding. You may be thinking that how you’re doing your work could end up costing you your job or investments.
As you’re fussing with paper receipts, leases, bills, and doing manual input, formulas, and producing reports, you’re missing out on presenting powerful overviews and deeper more relevant insight to owners.
What the Data Tells You Changes Everything
A good portion of business people are focused totally on their data, but what they’re not saying is how the data is being used.
Spreadsheets trick you into thinking you’re managing things professionally, when the opposite might be true. Recording entries is bookkeeping, but are you a bookkeeper or a property manager?
The best property managers, landlords and property investors are focused on what the data tells them.
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8 Reasons Why Evolving to PM Accounting Software is Right
- the data you input in spreadsheets isn’t formatted for other diverse software systems that can give you better oversight
- Google sheets or Microsoft excel and slow and clunky and you can’t create excellent visualizations of your data — visualization is more important today — seeing is believing to your owners
- software databases focus on visualizing data in helpful ways so you can make good decisions and look smart to your owners
- spreadsheets often have lots of errors
- spreadsheets aren’t automation tools, they’re recording tools
- spreadsheet programming requires programming and knowledge of sophisticated calculation functions
- software automates and crunches the numbers for continuous updates on all areas of your business
- software helps you manage your cash flow, payment due dates, and other important notifications
Your Dialogue with Property Owners
The flowing, smooth dialogue you have with owners where they get big picture insight, and feel they’re on top of their investments, is very important. Owners are only interested in profit and their command of what’s happening.
Spreadsheets will confuse them. Too many confusing conflicting details. You need better real time reports and other great information which a new software solution delivers (such as ManageCasa).
When investors/owners receive your owners report, they want actionable, relevant financial information — not the details. In an accounting property management software solution, users see the most relevant, clear, rental revenue/cost performance facts, progress, trends, status updates, and outstanding issues. They want clarity and actionable insight.
Paper and Spreadsheets: Can it Get more Tedious and Time Wasting?
A further problem with spreadsheets, besides detailed tedium that depresses you, is that they’re an old fashioned financial tool and not integrated directly to other management tools.
There’s a better way to report to owners
Combine that with paper receipts stored in folders, and you have a recipe for errors, the kind that eat up time and money. That’s the crux really of why everyone’s abandoning spreadsheets. No one has the time anymore especially as the number of rental properties increases.
People don’t like to change habits. It’s the old comfort zone thing. But what’s happening in property management technology today is revolutionary. Those who use the new software accounting systems tied to other business functions have a distinct advantage.
Big PM Companies are Finding SMB Software Highly Useful
For instance, Tricon Capital, a major property investment firm discovered an advantage in using PM software. They gained significant cost efficiencies and were able to target top properties and tenants more effectively, and to conduct maintenance and repair more efficiently.
The automated software technology is helping them to flourish in a crowded market dominated by individual property investors. They know the individual investors are doing it old school, vulnerable to a more organized enterprise with better tools.
Property management accounting systems provide useul reports on your business processes and help you track and optimize cash flow. You can get a clear picture of your costs and revenue and discover which customers generate the most revenue for your company. And it’s all scalable. Never fear more tenants and properties.
Of course we’re going to plug ManageCasa at this point, and there are a lot of all encompassing. disruptive solutions out there that promise to replace everything you use. You’d be wise to adopt the new software module by module so it’s not overwhelming and too disruptive.
Simplified Accounting, Visual Reports, and easy data entry.
Do you have to overhaul your current property management system and learn everything anew? No. You can adopt something like ManageCasa’s software modules to complement your current tools.
You need tools that improve communications — about your financial performance, the status of your tenants, getting high quality feedback from tenants, and reporting it expertly to owners and investors
Happily Migrating Your Way Toward Automation
A happy owner makes a happy property manager. That’s how we look at it. And what’s so nice about property management software is how it automates much of your work and takes the tedium away. Lose the boredom, stress and get time back for important work.
Leaving spreadsheets behind seems scary, but you’re not in a comfort zone anymore. Yours might be called a pain zone.
ManageCasa’s simplified accounting features provide plenty of benefits to help any landlord, self-managing owner, or property manager. Find out more about ManageCasa’s Simplified Accounting Features.
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