Build More B2B Leads via Linkedin®
>Is your property management business not getting the new client leads you need? Are you leveraging the right tools and methods of connecting to ideal landlords and investors?
Quite a few people in the property management industry don’t realize that they themselves — their professional presence and profile, is a key marketing and lead gen asset. When you optimize your professional reputation online and actively promote it, you’ll enjoy a boost to your lead generation efforts.
Linkedin® is a powerful connector, reaching key decision makers. Growing your network and professional image, and keeping it thriving on Linkedin® is one of the best lead generation tools going.
4 out of 5 LinkedIn members drive business decisions in their companies. (LinkedIn)
3/4 of content marketers say LinkedIn produces the best organic results.
Think for a moment about who is in your professional inner circle and who has reached you to capture business from you or has influenced you. It demonstrates how your professional brand creates action. Build it, leverage it, and reap the rewards.
Linkedin® is partly based on one significant truth: That business people (including owners and association board members) often do business with those they know. Familiarity breeds certainty and trust. And your Linkedin profile might be the most important source of referred business available.
Linkedin rated best for lead conversion. Screenshot courtesy of Hubspot.
The Power of Professional Connectivity
Media/Networking at Conventions
Personal connections are the main channel for new business opportunities. Investors and landlords always look to their current circle of connections first.
Although it’s possible to capture new leads and sales right away, it normally takes time to develop comfort and trust with decision makers. For instance, many potential landlord connections already use property management companies. Your promotional work will build credibility and trust — to create or capture an opportunity with them.
Note: If you’re a landlord, property manager, community association manager, HOA manager, or work in the rental property management sector, please do connect with us on Linkedin.
If you’re attending property management expos or conventions, feature your Linkedin profile on your business card and in promotional brochures. This creates that direct connection needed for making persistent emotional impact and not being forgotten.
First Things First
Linkedin is its own platform with its distinct rules of engagement, which you’ll need to learn and use.
Below, we’ve got a simple 6 step process to help you develop your own personal Linkedin profile. You can replicate that procedure for your Linkedin Company page too.
Create a Unique Value Proposition for Your Profile
First impressions count. People get immediate impressions of your significance and whether you offer anything they’re interested in. It’s best to come across as significant, empowered, and focused on their needs.
Develop a unique value proposition statement where you describe why you’re significant to that desired audience.
An innovative, progressive, tech savvy property manager (or association manager) who takes profitable, modern, efficient management practices to the level which clients need to transition to. I offer knowledgeable, and authoritative leadership to activate staff and manage tenants professionally. I’ve built a reputation which clients can respect, trust and rely on for sustainable, professional management of their assets.
Owners want efficiency, growth, better technology, profit and tenant satisfaction. Your profile details how you manage yourself and your company to deliver exceptional results — a one/two combo that makes an impact.
On your profile page, there are a number of sections which you put in the order of presentation you like. Each section requires optimization in images, links, descriptions and more. This includes everything from your About section, to featured articles you created, to your employment history.
Optimizing your profile fully is a subject for another article. Right now, try to align everything you input to be consistent with your UVP. This alignment makes it easier for them to understand you and the value you offer. It will determine whether they will connect with you.
It’s all about Significance
When Linkedin users see your connection request, they’ll click through to your optimized profile, they’ll see instantly you’re truly significant to them and their business.
They’ll make quick yes/no decisions on whether to connect with you. They’ll scan your profile pic, slogan, and employer, to evaluate positives/negatives, and figure out whether you could be of significance to them.
Building a picture of whether you fit in, they click accept or ignore. There are many reasons why they might reject your request, even though you are relevant.
If you’re approaching people in a certain sector or let’s say real estate investors/landlords, you’ll want to do some tailoring of your profile to resonate to the type of person they want to associate with. More accepted connections will result.
Your profile isn’t really about you. It’s about what they want and what you could deliver for them. It needs to be engineered to be about their goals and needs as rental property owners and investors — specifically, quality management, command of technology, budget management, tenant relations, financial mastery, and profit! Yes, it’s a little tricky and does take some mental gymnastics to get it right.
After optimizing your own Linkedin profile, you’ll be searching for prospective property management pros, real estate investors, technology providers, community association and HOA board members, and all those who work for them. Use Linkedin’s search tools to find them and select which are most appropriate to reach out to.
6 Simple Steps you Can Take to Leverage Linkedin Well
1. Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile:
- use your UVP statement to guide your profile headline and description.
- ensure your profile is complete, professional, and up-to-date.
- make your headline concise and highlights your role as a property manager or community manager.
- focus on your more recent roles and projects
- craft a compelling summary that showcases your expertise and experience in the field.
- avoid hype and buzzwords
- add a professional profile picture and customize your background photo.
- make your About section a compelling read that clarifies your experience what you can do for your prospective client (5 or 6 sentences is concise and readable).
2. Grow Your LinkedIn Connections:
- search for relevant prospects and colleagues and key industry people in your area.
- search on Linkedin for relevant companies, organizations, job roles and words such as landlord, HOA, Community association, asset manager, property manager, and real estate investors.
- join property management and real estate industry groups to expand your network.
- guest in webinars or publish interviews with clients
- attend local events, property management conferences or community association conferences to personally meet important industry people and connect with them on Linkedin.
3. Share Valuable Content:
- share quality industry-related articles, news, company events, and business insights to demonstrate your expertise (post relevant, valuable content that resonates with your value proposition).
- create original content, such as blog posts or thought leadership articles, that provide value to your network.
- engage with and comment constructively on other professionals’ posts to foster conversations.
- write a few Linkedin pulse articles.
- include a social sharing bar on your Company website pages.
4. Participate in Property Management and Real Estate Groups:
- join and engage in LinkedIn groups specific to property management, income real estate, landlording, and community associations.
- contribute to discussions, offer advice, and share relevant resources.
- mention people and companies and cite positive news or offerings of your desired connections — support them quietly.
5. Seek Recommendations and Endorsements:
- request recommendations from your current and past clients, colleagues, or supervisors who can validate your skills, services and professionalism.
- provide recommendations for others in return to build stronger relationships.
- seek endorsements for your skills to add credibility to your profile.
6. Explore LinkedIn Advertising:
- consider leveraging LinkedIn advertising programs to target specific professional audiences.
- use sponsored content or LinkedIn Ads to promote your property management services or industry-related content.
- boost your best Linkedin posts to maximize any strengths and successes you’ve enjoyed via the organic system of Linkedin.
Best Content to Build Engagement and Leads
After you’ve completed all the fundamentals of your profile, you’ll get feedback in Linkedin analytics about your success in views and engagement.
There are plenty of sophisticated publishing techniques and tactics you could employ. You’ll find a lot of prospects and influencers want demonstrated proof of capabilities including case studies, client stories, recommendations, and more. A lot of this can be generated via content pieces.
To increase impact and engagement and get your messaging across, you should aim to produce:
- attractively designed downloadable pdfs on key topics (about their pain points) with many helpful tips.
- eye-catching, interesting, unique graphics, illustrations, photos and videos of participation in property management conferences.
- Linkedin text articles (no outbound links) on specific key topics.
- Linkedin posts on key product or service developments.
- client success stories.
- reviews, comments and analysis of relevant news events.
- any success stories.
- Linkedin text articles on key specific property management service features.
- stories about your community or owners experiences (including benefits, profit and problems solved).
- share posts from your blog.
Good content helps significantly. Downloadable content causes real action and those pieces have far higher engagement. Definitely create a budget for quality content creation, including graphic design, and consider doing paid promotion at least once to blitz your network. You need them to sit up and take notice.
You can build a maximum network of 20,000 connections, and you can have unlimited followers. If you’ve got the “brand image” they admire and the services they want, then it stands to reason they’ll connect and engage with you on Linkedin. Maintain awareness within your network with daily or weekly posts.
Remember, in all you do, quality and value offered are your first priorities.
Learn more about ManageCasa. It can play a big role in your lead generation program.
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