Keeping Track of Income and Expenses Should be Easy
As a property manager or landlord, you have things to buy, places to travel to, repairs to make, supplies to buy, and bills to pay along with processing incoming rent payments and deposits.
All those bills, receipts, and other paper documents are likely creating significant time waste and expense. Simplifying accounting is important. Workloads, complexity and errors will only increase. If you have plans of scaling up, then a professional grade property accounting software is worth upgrading to.
Your Accountant Will be Very Happy
We know how accountants, especially tax accountants despise getting a handful of receipts at months end for data entry into the accounting system. It’s a common practice but not an ideal one.
And when you do your bookkeeping “mañana” as they say, you might be neglecting to collect and claim all of your tax deductions or account for where you might be wasting valuable dollars. And the pain of knowing you have to return to it all later, when you’re still busy that weighs on any landlord or property manager. So nice to have a simple property management software to make things better.
Record your Receipts Right Away
The best way to manage payments and purchase receipts is to record them immediately. Right then and there, you’re done with them and you can put the matter out of mind, just like you want to.
Using ManageCasa, you can record your tenant rental payments and your own property management purchases receipts on the spot using your smartphone or a tablet. It might only take a couple of minutes sitting in your car. The technology is here, why not use it?
We know you’re on go, which is one of the reasons we as landlords ourselves, created ManageCasa — a simple online software that helps you simplify document management and generate meaningful, actionable reports for you and your accountant. You can set up reminders, alerts, and more.
Take a photo of your checks and receipts and attach them to your property account
When you receive a receipt from your contractor, or at home depot, or a restaurant, or gas station, quickly report on the transaction tool, and attribute the cost to the appropriate cost category.
Here’s 5 Big Features You’ll find You Can’t Do Without
- Smart Fee Management. Fees can automatically be applied in accounting and management tools. When your tenant provides a late rent payment, or if the security deposit needs deductions you get it done right away.
- Property Management Records. ManageCasa’s cloud storage allows all paperwork, important documents, and images to be stored and accessed any time, such as lease agreements, check-in and check-out documents.
- Create Account and Bank Reconciliation. Connect your bank savings or checking account and create clear snapchats of your balances, deposits, and statements. Take pictures of checks and receipts for handy reference. You literally don’t need the paper version now.
- Paying Bills. ManageCasa provides clear tracking of payments, even if it’s for local bills for utilities, phone, or internet.
- Online Rent Payments. Forget paper checks and snail mail, get tenants to send payments online, ensuring rent payment an easier and more transparent process for everyone
The larger your portofolio of properties, the more ManageCasa’s accounting features can do for you. Obviously, the pain and frustration of managing paperwork and then retrieving it and reprocessing it, is something anyone wants to avoid.
Check out ManageCasa’s simple but powerful property management software. Simplify, reduce, and take control of your property portfolio.
See also: Property Management Software | Property Accounting Software | Real Estate Accounting Software | HOA Accounting Software | Rental Housing Market | Best Cities to buy Rental Property | Improve Accounting | Buildium Survey | Digital Bookkeeping | Learn Accounting | Tax Savings for Property Managers | Starting a Property Management Business | How to Use Property Management Software